Tax and Financial Planning

Tax and Financial Planning

Tax and financial planning is as important as profit making for any business operating in Pakistan. Proper tax and financial planning can create ease in doing business, tackle tax compliance issues, managing monthly and quarterly tax payments.

Tax Planning

Each individual is altogether a different person with different mind-set. Some would want to just merely save tax and with limited knowledge, they land up buying incorrect products at last moment for sake of tax saving.

Just because a product is offering tax saving and your colleagues or friends brought that does not mean you need to buy same product for tax saving. Each individual has different need, life style, and risk aptitude, financial and earning background.

Hence any arbitrary tax product cannot be applied to all. An appropriate tax planning should be done by looking at each individual’s financial profile.

We at BeSpoke Consulting are here to help you by understanding your each and every individual’s financial goal and help individuals to appropriately plan their taxes which will eventually lead to financial security and wealth building.

Financial Planning

Each individual is altogether a different person with different mind-set. Some would want to just merely invest without any financial planning with dream of making millions; they land up investing in ‘not so good’ entities.

Just because an investment is made by your colleagues / friends bought, does not mean you need to opt for the same. Each individual has different need, life style, and risk aptitude, financial and earning background. Hence any arbitrary investment product cannot be applied to all.

Given your unique financial profile, preferences and attitudes it is but obvious that your financial plan too should be unique to you. There cannot be a plan that is common to everyone. An appropriate financial planning should be done by looking at each individual’s financial profile.

Investing is more than just buying the ‘right’ products. You need to follow the ‘right’ procedure to make your millions. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anybody can start today and make a new ending.

Save enough for a comfortable retirement

By identifying your retirement needs, analyzing your assets and sources of retirement income, reviewing estimated shortfalls, and identifying the best ways to save for retirement given your financial situation and risk tolerance. 

Pay for your child’s college education

By accurately estimating the amount of money you’ll need, analyzing your assets, reviewing estimated shortfalls and considering general alternatives and strategies to help address these potential shortfalls, and developing an optimal savings plan given your financial situation and risk tolerance. 

Protect your family in case of you become disabled

By ensuring you have enough money in your emergency fund and analyzing your life, disability, health, home, and auto insurance coverage.

We also review your will and various powers of attorney designed to take care of your affairs in the event you are incapacitated and can’t manage them yourself.

Achieve your investment goals

By identifying the steps needed to maximize your investment returns as well as the steps needed to help minimize your risk while building increased predictability of your investment returns.

Leave a legacy for your heirs

By maximizing the value of your estate by saving tax dollars, professional fees, and court costs. As well as minimizing the costs of probate, creditors, lawyers, and estate taxes, which can negatively impact the value of your estate.

We also help you stay in control of your affairs by providing a road map for passing your estate on to your heirs.

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