How to File Tax Declarations Under Tax Amnesty Scheme 2019
How to Register and File Tax Declarations Under Tax Amnesty Scheme 2019
How to File Declaration under Asset Declaration Scheme- 2019………………………………………………….. 1
Summary of Declaration Filing Process:………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Step-by-Step Guide for Filing Declaration…………………………………………………………………………… 2
Mandatory Steps for Submission of Declaration………………………………………………………………… 7
Steps for Filing System Created drafts of Return/ Revised Return/ wealth statement or statement of
assets and liabilities………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
How to make payment?…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Prepare PSID from FBR Portal………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Summary:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Step-by-Step Detailed Guide for Payments………………………………………………………………………. 11
Deposit Payment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Revised Declaration……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
How to File Declaration under Asset Declaration Scheme- 2019
Summary of Declaration Filing Process:
Register with Iris ( if not already registered)
Create Declaration
Fill the declaration
Select Payment Method
o With Declaration—payment till June 30th, 2019 or
o Deferred–between July 1st 2019 till June 30th, 2020
Review and File draft Income Tax Return for 2018/ Revised Return/ Wealth Statement / Statement of assets and liabilities , created by System
Submit Declaration
Create Payment Challan (PSID) for the amount which is due under Asset Declaration Scheme
o Payment in PKR on Domestic Assets (excluding FCY), Undeclared Sales, Undeclared Expenditures and “Tax Determined” by Inland Revenue Officer
o Payment in USD on Domestic Foreign Currency Account o Payment in USD/AED on Foreign Assets
o Payment of Default Surcharge under “Deferred Payment” Option
Make payment
Step-by-Step Guide for Filing Declaration
- Access Iris through the URL following screen
will be displayed: - Enter your Registration No. / CNIC / NICOP No. in “Registration No.” field.
- Enter your “Password” (as received on email while registration) in provided field.
- Click the “Login” button.
- After successful login, user will be redirected on Iris dashboard where a new tab of “Asset
Declaration” is available as shown below: - Hover the “Asset Declaration” tab from main menu, application will load the link for task “Declaration under Asset Declaration Ordinance 2019” as shown in image provided below:
- Click “Declaration under Asset Declaration Ordinance 2019”. Iris system will ask you for
the period: - Click on “Period” button to select the desired Tax Year as done for filing Tax Return.
- Enter “2018” in “Tax Period” field and click “ ”. System will load Tax Period for selection. Click the “Select” link provided in front of the tax period under action column
- System will open Declaration form which shows five main categories of items (verticall) on the left part of the screen:
Domestic Assets
Foreign Assets
Undeclared Expenditure Undeclared Sales
Payment of Tax Demanded
Please note that each item has sub-categories.
Click on the category/item for which you want to enter details , relevant part of the declaration form will open in the right part of the screen for entering details:
How to File Tax Declarations Under Tax Amnesty Scheme 2019
- To add domestic assets details, click on “Domestic Assets” section (if not opened already
by default) as shown earlier. - For domestic assets declaration you can enter values under “Owned Assets” and
“Benami Assets” section as applicable by click on respective sub-category from left menu. System will show relevant part of the declaration form on the left side of the screen.
- To enter values for respective item, please click button at the end of relevant row under “Action” column as under:
Following dialog window shall appear for the selected row as shown below:
- Enter values, click “Ok” to save values and dialog window will disappear. System will save details and enable an input field on the main form for entering values of items (Cost of acquisition / Fair Market Value):
- Please enter amount in enabled input field as shown below:
You will notice following three buttons at the right end of the relevant row:
Click button to remove mistakenly added information.
Click button to edit information provided in dialog.
Click button to view information provided in dialog.
- Repeat above Step to declare additional items under the same category or for different
categories. - Click button to view accumulated amount of all values entered in selected section.
- Similarly for foreign assets you can enter values under “Owned Assets” and “Benami Assets” section as applicable by clicking on respective section from left menu. System will show relevant portion/ fields of the form on the left part of the screen:
- To enter undisclosed expenditures, click on “Undisclosed Expenditures” section from left menu, system will load following screen to enter values accordingly:
- To enter undisclosed sales subject to Sales Tax/FED, click on “Undisclosed Sales” section from left menu, system will load following screen to enter values accordingly:
- If you want to declare any outstanding demand determined by the Officer of Inland Revenue under Sales Tax Act, Federal Excise Act or Income Tax Ordinance, click on section “Payment of Tax demanded”. System will load following screen to enter tax demanded details:
- To view tax payable under the Asset Declaration Scheme, please click on “Tax Payable” section from left menu and click button. System will load accumulated amount of tax paid and tax payable segregated based on respective sections as filled by taxpayer. Following screen will be displayed for “Tax Payable” section.
- If you want to save Asset Declaration for later submitting, click on “Save” button given on top menu. (Please note that a saved task can be accessed for further editing and later submit from the draft section of main Iris dashboard after verifying pin in “verification” )
How to File Tax Declarations Under Tax Amnesty Scheme 2019
Mandatory Steps for Submission of Declaration
Selection of payment method: Please note that it is mandatory for the tax payer to select the payment method provided under “Attributes” tab of asset declaration before submitting declaration. In order to select the payment method, click on “Attributes” tab and click on button provided under “Action” column as shown below to select the desired payment method:
o If you want to make payments along with the asset declaration, select “With Declaration” option. Please note that for this option you have to make the payments on and before 30th June 2019.
o If you want to make deferred payments later after submitting the declaration then select “Deferred” option from the payment type. Please note that for this option you can make the payments till 30th June 2020 however a surcharge amount will be applied on deferred payment from 30th June 2019 onwards.
Submit Return/Revised Return/Wealth Statement/ Statement of Assets and Liabilities for TY 2018/:At the time of creation of declaration, System shall check whether Return for Tax Year 2018 has been filed and automatically create draft return/ revised return/ wealth statement or statement of assets and liabilities as applicable. The submission of the automatically created draft is mandatory before submission of the Asset Declaration (both original and revised declarations).
Steps for Filing System Created drafts of Return/ Revised Return/ wealth statement or statement of assets and liabilities
- Log-on to Iris dashboard.
- Click the “Drafts” tab from the left menu of Iris dashboard.
- Click the “Declaration” link provided under draft section, system will load declarations records.
- Click on “Declaration under Asset Declaration Ordinance 2019” to select the task, system will enable edit button after highlighting the task as selected.
- Click “Edit” button from action bar, system will load edit window for the asset declaration task.
- Please complete revised return/wealth statement/ statement of assets and liabilities
- If no tax is payable, please Click on “Verification” tab.. Please read the statement carefully before you enter PIN and click on “Verify Pin” button.
Note: If you have forgotten your PIN, go to main Iris Dashboard screen and click “Change PIN” on top-right of the screen.
- After verification, click on “Submit” button to submit the completed assets declaration.
Please note that once submitted, the document will be no longer editable. - Click on “Print” button to get a printable PDF version of submitted declaration.
How to make payment?
Prepare PSID from FBR Portal Summary:
Payment system provides for creating three PSIDs/ Payment challans depending on your Asset Declaration:
PSID for Domestic Assets/Expenditures/Sales/Tax Demanded
PSID for Domestic Foreign Currency Accounts (Payment in USD only) PSID for Foreign Assets (Payment in USD or AED only)
For the last two types of PSIDs payments need to be made in Foreign Currency as per SBP Notification Dated May 25, 2019.
Note: One more PSID category will be created for “Default Surcharge”
Step-by-Step Detailed Guide for Payments
- Access payment system: URL
- Hover on “e-Payments” tab in main menu, system will load list of payments available for amnesty tax as shown below:
- Click on desired payment option, system will load following screen:
- “Tax Year“ will be 2018 by default.
- Select “CNIC” from “Select Type“ field and enter your CNIC / NICOP No. (With dashes e.g. #####-#######-#) in the text field, the system shall automatically fill your name and other related fields.
- Tax payment nature field shall be selected as default.
- Tax Payment Section shall also be selected based on payment nature. 8. Enter the tax amount information:
Enter the Total tax amount to be paid in “Amount in figures” field.
If it is payment of tax foreign Asset The system shall automatically convert the entered amount in selected Foreign Currency. In case of Domestic Foreign Currency Account, system will convert the payment amount in USD while in case of domestic assets, payment will appear in PKR only.
- Please note that the payment mode is set to default and user cannot change the payment mode
- Re-enter the total tax amount in “Amount” field.
- Enter your “Email Address” and “Mobile Number” which are mandatory, as you will receive email/SMS intimation on these contacts.
- Press “Create” button, the system shall ask confirmation and redirect user on PSID confirmation page as shown below:
- PSID No. shall be displayed at the top of page. (you can note down the PSID number or print it by clicking “Print” button)
Deposit Payment
For payment of tax on foreign assets and Domestic foreign Currency Accounts, please follow the procedure notified by State Bank of Pakistan vide notification dated May 25, 2019 available on FBR website.
Revised Declaration
If you want to make correction to your declaration, you will have to file Revised Declaration as below:
- After successful login, you will see “Asset Declaration” option on the dash board as shown below:
- Hover the “Asset Declaration” tab from main menu, please select the second option “Revision of Declaration under Asset Declaration Ordinance 2019” as below:
- The remaining steps are same as detailed above for filing “declaration of Assets”.
Note: This guide may be updated from time to time. Please access the latest version from
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