List of Prohibited Words for Company Formation
This blog discusses List of Prohibited Words for Company Formation with SECP when you register your company with SECP.
Sensitive/Prohibited Words
This word may be included in the name of companies to be established on grant of license by the Commission under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 or which are established as a Trade Organization under Trade Organizations Ordinance, 2007.
Benevolent/ Foundation
These words may be included in the name of companies to be established on grant of license by the Commission under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984.
This word may be included in the name of companies if proper justification is provided.
This word may be allowed in the name of company if the company will function as Non-Banking Financial Company under the license of Specialized Companies Division of the Commission or to public sector company on grant of license by the Commission under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
This word may be included in the name of companies to be established on grant of license by the Commission under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984. Moreover, this expression is also allowed to Sports Association and Professional Bodies.
Chamber of Commerce
This word may be included in the name of entities which are being formed as Trade Bodies under license from Director General Trade Organization, Ministry of Commerce Government of Pakistan.
Authority/ Register/ Registered/ Co-operative/ Bureau/Division
These words are not allowed.
This word may be included in the name of REITs to be established on grant of license by the Specialized Companies Division.
Assurance/Assurer/ Insurance/Insurer/ Re-Assurance/ Re-Assurer/ Re-Insurance/ Re-Insurer
These words may be included in the name of companies involved in Insurance, Assurance, Reinsurance and Re-assurance business. Prior permission of Insurance Division of the Commission would be required at the time of Incorporation.
List of Prohibited Words for Company Formation with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.
This word may be included in the name of companies desirous to engage in the business of Paper &/or Board or to public sector companies.
Bahria/Askari/Fouji/ Fazaiya/Cadet
This word may be included in the name of companies to be established by the relevant agency.
Banks/Banking Company
These words may be included in the name of companies on the basis of permission from State Bank of Pakistan under section 8 of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 and section 5(1) of Microfinance Institutions Ordinance, 2001.
These words may be included in the name of companies having charter from the sovereign authority of the Federation and the Province.
These words are only allowed in the name of Stock Exchange, Commodity Exchange and Exchange Companies subject to NOC from relevant authority.
Familiar Trade Names
These words may be included in the name of companies only if NOC of familiar trade name user is provided or proper documentary evidence of ownership/use of trade name is furnished by the applicant.
Famous/Distinct Personalities
These words may be included in the name of companies if proper justification and approval of relevant authority is provided.
This word may be included in the name of Sports Federations licensed under section 42 of Companies Ordinance, 1984 or trade bodies under Trade Organizations Ordinance, 2007.
This word is allowed in the name of company with the approval of the Commission, if the proposed company has a connection or any patronage with Federal Government.
This word may be included in the name of companies if use of this word implies several companies under single corporate ownership and applicants have to provide evidence of subsidiary/associate relationship with two or more other Pakistani Companies.
This word may be included in the name of company which establishes that it qualifies to be a holding company as defined in Section 3 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 i.e. the company has object clause showing its intention to act as holding company after incorporation.
This word may be included in the name of the public sector companies.
This word may be included in the name of Non-Banking Finance Companies, REITs and brokerage houses or any public sector financial institution or investment company.
Investment Finance, Investment Advisory, Leasing, Asset Management, Housing Finance
This word may be included in the name of Non-Banking Finance Companies.
Name of Company containing country name or nationality other than Pakistan
These names are not allowed unless sufficient justification is provided.
Name of Company containing name of two countries i.e. Pakistan/Pak and any other foreign company
These words may be included in the name of companies where documentary evidence is provided in support of the fact that the company is a Joint Venture of two Governments or companies of two countries.
These words may be included in the name of companies. However, these expressions will not be acceptable if used to make proposed company as distinctive from already existing companies.
Patronage of past or present, Pakistani or Foreign, Head of State/ any connection with Federal or Provincial Government, Department or authority/any connection with corporation set up by or under Federal/Provisional Law/ the patronage of, or any connection with, any Foreign Government or any International Organization
These words may be included in the name of companies with the approval of the Commission provided sufficient justification is furnished.
This word may be included in the name of companies formed by Government.
This word may be allowed only in the name of University Management Company for the management of University in terms of guidelines of Higher Education Commission.
These words are not allowed.
Important Note Regarding Spellings of Proposed Names
It is pertinent to mention here that the application for availability of name will be considered only if the spelling of proposed name is according to dictionary. Any deviation in dictionary spellings will not be accepted and the name will be rejected.
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